Breakthrough New Tech Unleashes “Instant” Lithium

Jason Williams

Posted July 28, 2023

At this point, there’s really no questioning the fact that there’s an electric vehicle revolution underway.

And any doubt should be dispelled by this chart showing the meteoric growth of the EV market since just 2010:

EV Growth to 2022

There’s also no questioning the fact that global governments are going to continue to push for zero-carbon energy solutions like wind and solar.

The International Energy Agency predicts generation from those forms of renewable energy to more than quadruple by 2040:

solar and wind projections iea

And there’s also no questioning the fact that with all those electric vehicles running down the road and with all those wind and solar installations cranking out power…

The demand for batteries to power all those cars and store all that energy is going to be HUGE.

high demand for lithium batteries

That’s a whole lot of lithium-ion batteries that we’re going to need in the short term alone. And that means lithium demand is going to skyrocket along with the demand for all those batteries.

lithium demand projections

But, unfortunately, there’s one more fact that can’t be questioned. And that’s the fact that the supply of lithium is going to lag far behind the demand.

lithium supply demand imbalance

That means lithium is going to get a lot more expensive in a short amount of time, as is the share price of any company that can come up with a way to produce it quicker and more efficiently.

And after exhaustive research, I’m convinced that I’ve identified two companies that fit those criteria to a T.

But before I get to them, I need to tell you about the new technology they’re pioneering that gives them such a massive leg up on the competition and makes them primed for rapid growth…

From Two Years to Two Hours

You see, for a long time now, researchers in the lithium world have been looking for a better way to extract lithium and get it ready to be turned into the metal that makes an EV go.

And that’s for very good reason because, while currently most of the world’s lithium comes from hard rock deposits, most of the world's lithium supply resides in liquid deposits deep underground.

The liquid is known as brine because it’s a mixture of water and salts. Some of those salts are lithium salts that can be refined into the lithium used in batteries. That is, if those salts can be extracted from the water.

But the current “technology” used to accomplish this in the lithium industry is what’s known as an evaporation pond. And, yes, it works exactly how you probably imagine it works…

Lithium brine is pumped from deep underground and used to fill massive arrays of shallow man-made ponds that stretch across the landscape for miles.

evaporation ponds

And then it sits there… for two years… as the sun slowly evaporates the water, and you’re left with a thick sludge that you can finally refine into lithium and sell to battery-makers.

Not only does it take a full two years to get anything even close to usable lithium from your newly functioning lithium mine, but it also costs an arm and a leg to build those massive expanses of ponds.

So that’s why as much as 70% of the planet’s lithium resources may reside in brine, but more than half of the world’s lithium comes from hard rock deposits.

I’m sure you can imagine that with so much lithium locked away in brine, researchers have been working for years to figure out a better way to get to it and turn it into batteries.

And it just so happens you’re right. They have been. And some have been so successful that their technology is now being deployed in lithium brine fields around the globe.

That technology allows the lithium producers employing it to extract lithium from brine deposits in a matter of hours instead of a matter of years.

And it’s a complete game-changer!

“Instant” Lithium

It’s almost like they’ve figured out a way to instantly convert brine (which makes up as much as 70% of the world’s known lithium deposits) into usable lithium.

And not only is the process far faster than traditional methods, but it’s also more efficient…

When you’re using evaporation ponds, you’re able to get to about 40% of the lithium dissolved in the brine.

But when you’re using this “instant” lithium technique, you’re able to get as much as 90% of it, sometimes even more!

So it takes a process that used to take two years (and that's after several years of construction, too) and cuts it down to as little as two hours, AND it gets more lithium out of the water, too.

I bet you’re wondering why you haven't heard more about this breakthrough technology if it’s really capable of doing what I’m telling you it is.

And one big reason is that up until this year, this new refining tech was still just multiple research projects at universities and corporate labs around the world.

It wasn’t until just recently that small startup companies with nothing to lose started putting it to the test in the field…

And so far, the results have been phenomenal. In fact, in one of the more recent field initiations, the technology actually outperformed some of the lab tests.

Instead of extracting 90% of the lithium as it did in the lab, it extracted almost 95% of it in the field!

Compared with the 40% (at best) you can get from a pond, I’m sure you see how groundbreaking this really is, especially when you’re getting more efficiency in a literal fraction of the time.

And now that it’s proven itself in the field and not just in the lab, this tech could completely disrupt the lithium industry as we know it.

We’re talking about unseating sleeping giants that refuse to evolve and accelerating pioneers who’ll take their place at the top.

The Fracking Boom All Over Again

This is lithium brine’s moment. Just like the one that American oil had back in the early 2010s, when fracking technology slowly made its way from testing and into production.

It completely unlocked vast amounts of oil previously thought inaccessible or to expensive to procure.

And it skyrocketed tiny oil exploration and production companies that pioneered the new technology from penny stocks to multibillion-dollar behemoths.

Oil stocks like Continental Resources started using the new tech early and got a first-mover advantage.

And their shareholders got a 1,000% gain in just seven years:

continental fracking gains

I’m convinced that this new technology represents lithium’s “fracking” moment, where vast amounts of lithium once thought inaccessible or too expensive to procure are unlocked.

And I’m convinced that the companies that are the first to embrace this new technology will be the companies that deliver the biggest profits to shareholders along the way.

That’s why I spent countless hours poring over the technology and the companies employing their own versions of it. I’m convinced this is a millionaire-making event and I want in on it.

And that’s how I zeroed in on the two operations I mentioned earlier. They’re both pioneering successful versions of this new technology and they both own high-quality lithium assets in a lithium-rich region.

But I’ve taken way too much space today and too much of my editor’s time correcting my typos (she’s incredibly patient, but I don’t want to push my luck too much).

So instead of talking any more about the companies today, I’m going to do you one better and attach a report you can read to get caught up on them.

It’s also got some more information about the lithium supply and demand imbalance and more details on how the technology works to accelerate the process.

Or if — since it is Friday and all — you don’t feel like reading anymore, you can also check out this presentation our highly skilled video department helped me put together.

It’s got all the same information, but you get to hear it from yours truly instead of your internal voice.

So check it out today (or take some time over the weekend) and get yourself positioned before the moment passes.

Because this is going to be BIG and I don’t want anyone to be left behind.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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